If I have the belief that I can do it,
I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it,
Even if I do not have it at the beginning.
---Mahatma Gandhi
There comes a point in your life when you realise who matters, who never did, who wont anymore and who always will. So don’t worry about people from your past, there’s a reason why they didn’t make it to your future.
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.
- Henry Ford
There is no greater restraint on a human behavior than having other people watching exactly what you're up to.
Trying to live on your own, unbridged with others, is the most dangerous idea that can possess anybody ever. It becomes very dificult to get rid of it because it fulfills your ego, it nourishes all that is wrong in you, it destroys all that is beautiful in you. - Zen.
Smooth Roads never makegood drivers!
Smooth Sea never make Good sailors!
Clear skies never make good pilots!
Problem Free Life never makes a strong & good person!
Have a tough but winning day ahead!
Bestrong enough to accept the challenges of Life..
Don't Ask Life "Why ME?"
Instead Say "Try ME"...
Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.
Egotism is the anesthetic given by a kindly nature to relieve the pain of being a damned fool.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
People come into your life for ...
These are some lines that I got from an Orkut message which everyone needs to remember for life (at least me so that I don't get too nostalgic):
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.!
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant .
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.!
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant .
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Wonderful Ads
These are a collection of wonderful Indian Ads. I love to see them over and over again.
The most recent Bajaj Ad
An old Bajaj Caliber Ad that I love... The Unshakeable
The obviously wonderful Ad of Cadbury India
Mein khush hoon aaj khamokha
Dil ko jab Khushi choo jaye
The Jalebee wala Ad of Dhara...
The Doodh Ad
The TATA Safari Dicor Ad
And this is a wonderful creative Ad of Camlin
The most recent Bajaj Ad
An old Bajaj Caliber Ad that I love... The Unshakeable
The obviously wonderful Ad of Cadbury India
Mein khush hoon aaj khamokha
Dil ko jab Khushi choo jaye
The Jalebee wala Ad of Dhara...
The Doodh Ad
The TATA Safari Dicor Ad
And this is a wonderful creative Ad of Camlin
Impossible is Nothing
Impossible is Nothing - "The Words"
Impossible is Nothing - 2
Impossible is Nothing - Lionel Messi
Impossible is nothing -Muhammad Ali
Impossible is nothing - Muhammad Ali vs Leila Ali
Impossible Is Nothing - David Beckham
Impossible is Nothing - Adidas
Impossible Is Nothing - Sachin Tendulkar
Impossible is nothing - Adidas Football match
Adidas Jose + 10 Full Version
Impossible is Nothing - 2
Impossible is Nothing - Lionel Messi
Impossible is nothing -Muhammad Ali
Impossible is nothing - Muhammad Ali vs Leila Ali
Impossible Is Nothing - David Beckham
Impossible is Nothing - Adidas
Impossible Is Nothing - Sachin Tendulkar
Impossible is nothing - Adidas Football match
Adidas Jose + 10 Full Version
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Copywriting: Eliminate "Writer's Block" Forever
Here's a good link about how to start writing.. if you write as bad like me.. :).. Two secrets... Ths first I knew but this blog reminded me.. The second one is also true.. That is how all the authors get their books in such a great language...
Copywriting: Eliminate "Writer's Block" Forever
Copywriting: Eliminate "Writer's Block" Forever
Monday, August 20, 2007
The vi editor causes brain damage.. Ha Ha Ha
This is from Linux Kernel Mailing List.. This is about a guy who hates "vi editor" (BTW.. I like it though it is tough).. An awsome read.. Mailing Lists can be fun... :)
Also note what is revealed subtly - The awesome power of Linux... A Linux Developer (Ollie Wild) could change the arument list length of all commands in a moment and also commit the changes for the next build... WOW!!!
Subject: The vi editor causes brain damage
From: Marc Perkel
To: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 10:50 AM
Let me give you and example of the difference between
Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
what it's like out here in the real world.
Go to a directory with 10k files and type:
rm *
What do you get?
/bin/rm: Argument list too long
If you map a network drive in DOS and type:
del *
It works.
That's the problem with the type of thinking in the
open source world. Why can DOS delete an infinite
number of files and rm can't? Because rm was written
using the "vi" editor and it causes brain damage and
that's why after 20 years rm hasn't caught up with
Before everyone gets pissed off and freaks out why
don't you ponder the question why rm won't delete all
the files in the directory. If you can't grasp that
then you're brain damaged.
Think big people. Say NO to vi!
Marc Perkel
Junk Email Filter dot com
From: Al Viro
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 11:45 AM
On Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 10:20:34PM -0700, Marc Perkel wrote:
> Let me give you and example of the difference between
> Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> what it's like out here in the real world.
Marc, why don't you do the obvious thing and hire Jeff Merkey?
He used to work on netware kernel, you are a netware fanboy...
Hell, he might even share - his peyotl for whatever you are on;
it certainly has... intriguing effects, so who knows - maybe the
mix will give the right kind of out-of-box experience for you ;-)
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Marc Perkel
To: Al Viro
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 11:59 AM
--- Al Virowrote:
> On Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 10:20:34PM -0700, Marc
> Perkel wrote:
> > Let me give you and example of the difference
> between
> > Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> > what it's like out here in the real world.
> [snip]
> Marc, why don't you do the obvious thing and hire
> Jeff Merkey?
> He used to work on netware kernel, you are a netware
> fanboy...
> Hell, he might even share - his peyotl for whatever
> you are on;
> it certainly has... intriguing effects, so who knows
> - maybe the
> mix will give the right kind of out-of-box
> experience for you ;-)
hmmmmm .....
So if you take Peyote then you think of things like
"rm *" should delete all the files in a folder and if
you're not on drugs then del from DOS being better
than rm in Linux is OK.
For what it's worth. I agree it seems to be that way.
I tried Peyote once about 25 years ago and it was
Marc Perkel
Junk Email Filter dot com
From: Jiri Slaby
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 12:45 PM
Marc Perkel napsal(a):
> Let me give you and example of the difference between
> Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> what it's like out here in the real world.
> Go to a directory with 10k files and type:
> rm *
> What do you get?
> /bin/rm: Argument list too long
What does this have to do with rm command?
Jiri Slaby (jirislaby at the rate of gmail.com)
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
[Quoted text hidden]
From: hotmetal at the rate of verizon.net
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 9:54 AM
On Sunday 19 August 2007, Marc Perkel wrote:
> > > Let me give you and example of
> > > brain damaged thinking
> > > out here in the real world.
> I tried Peyote once about 25 years ago and it was
> fantastic.
Sounds like it hasn't worn off yet.
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Willy Tarreau
To: Jiri Slaby
Cc: Marc Perkel, linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 12:51 PM
On Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 09:15:22AM +0200, Jiri Slaby wrote:
> Marc Perkel napsal(a):
> > Let me give you and example of the difference between
> > Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> > what it's like out here in the real world.
> >
> > Go to a directory with 10k files and type:
> >
> > rm *
> >
> > What do you get?
> >
> > /bin/rm: Argument list too long
> What does this have to do with rm command?
Nothing, and no more with linux development. Marc confuses shell and rm.
Under DOS, when he types "del *", the shell calls the builtin function
"del" and passes it only one argument "*". The del function is then
responsible for iterating through the files using getfirst/getnext.
This is also why mostly only builtin shell commands support "*", while
most external commands do not support it, since they have to re-implement
the same code to iterate through the files (try "debug c*.com", it will
not work).
Under unix, the shell resolves "*" and passes the 10000 file names to
the "rm" command. Now, execve() may fail because 10000 names in arguments
can require too much memory. That's why find and xargs were invented!
The solution is easy : find . -maxdepth 1 xargs rm
So this has nothing to do with rm, nor with rm being open-source, and
even less with rm being written with vi, and Marc's rant is totally
wrong and off-topic. Maybe he was drunk when posting, or maybe someone
used his keyboard to make him look like a complete fool. Or maybe he
really is.
(please do not follow up on this OT thread, responses to /dev/null)
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Benny Amorsen
To: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 6:01 PM
>>>>> "WT" == Willy Tarreauwrites:
WT> Under unix, the shell resolves "*" and passes the 10000 file names
WT> to the "rm" command. Now, execve() may fail because 10000 names in
WT> arguments can require too much memory. That's why find and xargs
WT> were invented!
It would be very handy if the argument memory space was expanded.
Many years ago I hit the limit regularly on Solaris, and going to
Linux with its comparatively large limit was a joy. Now it happens to
me quite often on Linux as well.
What are the primary problems with expanding it? It used to be
swappable memory, is that still the case?
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Paolo Ornati
To: Benny Amorsen
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 6:09 PM
On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 14:31:21 +0200
Benny Amorsenwrote:
> >>>>> "WT" == Willy Tarreauwrites:
> WT> Under unix, the shell resolves "*" and passes the 10000 file names
> WT> to the "rm" command. Now, execve() may fail because 10000 names in
> WT> arguments can require too much memory. That's why find and xargs
> WT> were invented!
> It would be very handy if the argument memory space was expanded.
> Many years ago I hit the limit regularly on Solaris, and going to
> Linux with its comparatively large limit was a joy. Now it happens to
> me quite often on Linux as well.
done :)
commit b6a2fea39318e43fee84fa7b0b90d68bed92d2ba
Author: Ollie Wild
Date: Thu Jul 19 01:48:16 2007 -0700
mm: variable length argument support
Remove the arg+env limit of MAX_ARG_PAGES by copying the strings
directly from the old mm into the new mm.
Paolo Ornati
Linux 2.6.23-rc3-g2a677896 on x86_64
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Marc Perkel
To: hotmetal at the rate of verizon.net
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 6:37 PM
--- hotmetal at the rate of verizon.net wrote:
> On Sunday 19 August 2007, Marc Perkel wrote:
> > > > Let me give you and example of
> > > > brain damaged thinking
> > > > out here in the real world.
> > I tried Peyote once about 25 years ago and it was
> > fantastic.
> Sounds like it hasn't worn off yet.
Marc Perkel
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Marc Perkel
To: Jiri Slaby
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 6:38 PM
--- Jiri Slabywrote:
> Marc Perkel napsal(a):
> > Let me give you and example of the difference
> between
> > Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> > what it's like out here in the real world.
> >
> > Go to a directory with 10k files and type:
> >
> > rm *
> >
> > What do you get?
> >
> > /bin/rm: Argument list too long
> What does this have to do with rm command?
See what I mean?
Marc Perkel
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Marc Perkel
To: Willy Tarreau, Jiri Slaby
Cc: Marc Perkel, linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 6:52 PM
[Quoted text hidden]The important point that you are missing here is that
the Linux world is willing to live with an rm command
that is broken and the Windows and DOS world isn't.
This isn't about the rm command it's about programming
standards. It's about that the Linux community isn't
committed to getting it right.
Just like my thinking outside the box thread when I
try to say "this is broken" people don't go fix it.
Instead I get an explanation why Linux isn't capable
of having an rm command that will delete an unlimited
number of files.
I bet there are Microsoft people out there laughing at
20 years, a million programmers, tens of millions of
users and RM is BROKEN. Am I the only one who has a
problem with this? If so - I'm normal - and Linux is a
Marc Perkel
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Willy Tarreau
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: Jiri Slaby, linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 7:03 PM
On Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 06:22:37AM -0700, Marc Perkel wrote:
> The important point that you are missing here is that
> the Linux world is willing to live with an rm command
> that is broken and the Windows and DOS world isn't.
The important point you are missing is that it is not the rm command
which is broken. Either it's *all* commands or it's *your* way of
thinking how they should work.
I could play your game and say the "type" command is broken under
DOS. Why can't I do "type *" under DOS while I can do "cat *" under
linux ? For the exact same reason : the "*" is not processed at
the same place. Unix initially chose to process it in the caller,
and DOS later chose to process it in the callee. Neither is right,
neither is wrong, those are just two different approaches which may
be justified in their context. Having discovered DOS at 1.25 which
did not even support directories, I certainly can say that missing
globbing was not a problem at this time!
> This isn't about the rm command it's about programming
> standards. It's about that the Linux community isn't
> committed to getting it right.
It has nothing to do with programming standards, the rm command works
exactly like all others. Touch does the same, mv does the same, etc...
Educate yourself before stating idiocies like this !
> Just like my thinking outside the box thread when I
> try to say "this is broken" people don't go fix it.
> Instead I get an explanation why Linux isn't capable
> of having an rm command that will delete an unlimited
> number of files.
$ rm -rf $DIR will remove an unlimited number of files in this directory.
If you want to make a special case of "rm", then implement the special
case in the command and make it possible to pass it a globbing expression
just like you can do with find. But this will be useless.
> I bet there are Microsoft people out there laughing at
> this.
Oh yes, they are surely laughing at you, but at the same time they may
feel sad to be defended by people puting such stupid statements in public.
> 20 years, a million programmers, tens of millions of
> users and RM is BROKEN. Am I the only one who has a
> problem with this? If so - I'm normal - and Linux is a
> cult.
Yes, I really think you're the only one who has this problem. Don't you
think that among those tens of millions of users, none of them has ever
had to remove a directory full of files in 20 years ? Please stop taking
yourself for the center of the world and buy a "unix for newbies" book
instead of complaining the world is not like you would like it to be.
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Torsten Duwe
To: Willy Tarreau
Cc: Jiri Slaby, linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 7:25 PM
On Sunday 19 August 2007, Willy Tarreau wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 09:15:22AM +0200, Jiri Slaby wrote:
> > What does this have to do with rm command?
> Nothing, and no more with linux development. Marc confuses shell and rm.
> (please do not follow up on this OT thread, responses to /dev/null)
Then do not answer in the first place. Do not answer at all. There's tons of
good literature that explains this. Don't feed the troll.
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Jose Celestino
Reply-To: Marc Perkel, Willy Tarreau , Jiri Slaby , linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: Willy Tarreau, Jiri Slaby , linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 7:36 PM
Words by Marc Perkel [Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 06:22:37AM -0700]:
[Quoted text hidden]Yuhu! The rm command isn't broken (nothing is broken related to this).
Have you been reading? Can you even (read)?
Fscking troll.
Jose Celestino
"And on the trillionth day, Man created Gods." -- Thomas D. Pate
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Paolo Ornati
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: Willy Tarreau, Jiri Slaby , Marc Perkel , linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 8:18 PM
On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 06:22:37 -0700 (PDT)
Marc Perkelwrote:
> 20 years, a million programmers, tens of millions of
> users and RM is BROKEN. Am I the only one who has a
> problem with this? If so - I'm normal - and Linux is a
> cult.
Fixed in 2.6.23-rc (and not just for "rm"):
commit b6a2fea39318e43fee84fa7b0b90d68bed92d2ba
Author: Ollie Wild
Date: Thu Jul 19 01:48:16 2007 -0700
mm: variable length argument support
Remove the arg+env limit of MAX_ARG_PAGES by copying the strings
directly from the old mm into the new mm.
Paolo Ornati
Linux 2.6.23-rc3-g2a677896-dirty on x86_64
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Marc Perkel
To: Paolo Ornati
Cc: Willy Tarreau, Jiri Slaby , Marc Perkel , linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 9:02 PM
--- Paolo Ornatiwrote:
> On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 06:22:37 -0700 (PDT)
> Marc Perkelwrote:
> > 20 years, a million programmers, tens of millions
> of
> > users and RM is BROKEN. Am I the only one who has
> a
> > problem with this? If so - I'm normal - and Linux
> is a
> > cult.
> Fixed in 2.6.23-rc (and not just for "rm"):
> commit b6a2fea39318e43fee84fa7b0b90d68bed92d2ba
> Author: Ollie Wild
> Date: Thu Jul 19 01:48:16 2007 -0700
> mm: variable length argument support
> Remove the arg+env limit of MAX_ARG_PAGES by
> copying the strings
> directly from the old mm into the new mm.
> [...]
> --
> Paolo Ornati
> Linux 2.6.23-rc3-g2a677896-dirty on x86_64
Good man!
Marc Perkel
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Arjan van de Ven
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 11:02 PM
On Sun, 2007-08-19 at 06:22 -0700, Marc Perkel wrote:
> The important point that you are missing here is that
> the Linux world is willing to live with an rm command
> that is broken and the Windows and DOS world isn't.
no the important point is that you're an absolute horrible troll and are
posting things to the ENTIRELY WRONG MAILING LIST. For some people who
are new that happens sometimes as accident. You know better.
So please take this elsewhere and try to have better judgement in the
future as to what mailinglist you want to send your complaints to.
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Valdis.Kletnieks at the rate of vt.edu
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 1:44 AM
Attachments: noname
On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 22:20:34 PDT, Marc Perkel said:
> Let me give you and example of the difference between
> Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> what it's like out here in the real world.
> Go to a directory with 10k files and type:
> rm *
> What do you get?
> /bin/rm: Argument list too long
Given that you don't even understand that this message is issued by the
*shell* and not /bin/rm, and *why* it issues that sort of error message
when an argument string expands to be bigger than MAX_ARGV, and the fact
that there are extant patches to increase that to essentially any reasonable
size, why should we listen to you when you proclaim that you have any sort
of enlightenment about systems design?
From: Michael Tharp
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 4:33 AM
Marc Perkel wrote:
> The important point that you are missing here is that
> the Linux world is willing to live with an rm command
> that is broken and the Windows and DOS world isn't.
> This isn't about the rm command it's about programming
> standards. It's about that the Linux community isn't
> committed to getting it right.
Thanks man, you've made my day. I haven't laughed this hard at a mildly
technical discussion in weeks.
> Just like my thinking outside the box thread when I
> try to say "this is broken" people don't go fix it.
> Instead I get an explanation why Linux isn't capable
> of having an rm command that will delete an unlimited
> number of files.
Calling something that bas been working for decades broken, and offering
a vague idea that is not only riddled with usability issues but also
unimplementable in an even remotely efficient manner, and yet expecting
people to jump into action and write it for you while deprecating an
enormous amount of existing code, is something best described as
surreal. Disregarding peer review and calling it an "attack" is just
icing on the cake.
> I bet there are Microsoft people out there laughing at
> this.
Probably at you.
> 20 years, a million programmers, tens of millions of
> users and RM is BROKEN. Am I the only one who has a
> problem with this? If so - I'm normal - and Linux is a
> cult.
All hail Linus the great.
-- m. tharp
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Casey Dahlin
To: Michael Tharp
Cc: Marc Perkel, linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 7:25 AM
Michael Tharp wrote:
> Marc Perkel wrote:
>> The important point that you are missing here is that
>> the Linux world is willing to live with an rm command
>> that is broken and the Windows and DOS world isn't.
>> This isn't about the rm command it's about programming
>> standards. It's about that the Linux community isn't
>> committed to getting it right.
I wonder, do these sorts of people email random celebrities and tell
them they suck? If not, why do they think emailing a developer mailing
list about how much they hate their product, work ethics, and general
way of life is more socially acceptable?
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Tim Tassonis
Date: Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 3:11 PM
Hi Marc
> Before everyone gets pissed off and freaks out why
> don't you ponder the question why rm won't delete all
> the files in the directory. If you can't grasp that
> then you're brain damaged.
> Think big people. Say NO to vi!
At first I thought you've got a point here: you definitely _do_ suffer
from brain damage. Then again, I know too many people without brain
damage that are using vi, so it must me something else.
Maybe a car accindent, or your mother drinking a bottle of vodka per day
in your pregnancy?
[Quoted text hidden]
Also note what is revealed subtly - The awesome power of Linux... A Linux Developer (Ollie Wild) could change the arument list length of all commands in a moment and also commit the changes for the next build... WOW!!!
Subject: The vi editor causes brain damage
From: Marc Perkel
To: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 10:50 AM
Let me give you and example of the difference between
Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
what it's like out here in the real world.
Go to a directory with 10k files and type:
rm *
What do you get?
/bin/rm: Argument list too long
If you map a network drive in DOS and type:
del *
It works.
That's the problem with the type of thinking in the
open source world. Why can DOS delete an infinite
number of files and rm can't? Because rm was written
using the "vi" editor and it causes brain damage and
that's why after 20 years rm hasn't caught up with
Before everyone gets pissed off and freaks out why
don't you ponder the question why rm won't delete all
the files in the directory. If you can't grasp that
then you're brain damaged.
Think big people. Say NO to vi!
Marc Perkel
Junk Email Filter dot com
From: Al Viro
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 11:45 AM
On Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 10:20:34PM -0700, Marc Perkel wrote:
> Let me give you and example of the difference between
> Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> what it's like out here in the real world.
Marc, why don't you do the obvious thing and hire Jeff Merkey?
He used to work on netware kernel, you are a netware fanboy...
Hell, he might even share - his peyotl for whatever you are on;
it certainly has... intriguing effects, so who knows - maybe the
mix will give the right kind of out-of-box experience for you ;-)
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Marc Perkel
To: Al Viro
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 11:59 AM
--- Al Viro
> On Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 10:20:34PM -0700, Marc
> Perkel wrote:
> > Let me give you and example of the difference
> between
> > Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> > what it's like out here in the real world.
> [snip]
> Marc, why don't you do the obvious thing and hire
> Jeff Merkey?
> He used to work on netware kernel, you are a netware
> fanboy...
> Hell, he might even share - his peyotl for whatever
> you are on;
> it certainly has... intriguing effects, so who knows
> - maybe the
> mix will give the right kind of out-of-box
> experience for you ;-)
hmmmmm .....
So if you take Peyote then you think of things like
"rm *" should delete all the files in a folder and if
you're not on drugs then del from DOS being better
than rm in Linux is OK.
For what it's worth. I agree it seems to be that way.
I tried Peyote once about 25 years ago and it was
Marc Perkel
Junk Email Filter dot com
From: Jiri Slaby
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 12:45 PM
Marc Perkel napsal(a):
> Let me give you and example of the difference between
> Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> what it's like out here in the real world.
> Go to a directory with 10k files and type:
> rm *
> What do you get?
> /bin/rm: Argument list too long
What does this have to do with rm command?
Jiri Slaby (jirislaby at the rate of gmail.com)
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
[Quoted text hidden]
From: hotmetal at the rate of verizon.net
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 9:54 AM
On Sunday 19 August 2007, Marc Perkel wrote:
> > > Let me give you and example of
> > > brain damaged thinking
> > > out here in the real world.
> I tried Peyote once about 25 years ago and it was
> fantastic.
Sounds like it hasn't worn off yet.
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Willy Tarreau
To: Jiri Slaby
Cc: Marc Perkel
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 12:51 PM
On Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 09:15:22AM +0200, Jiri Slaby wrote:
> Marc Perkel napsal(a):
> > Let me give you and example of the difference between
> > Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> > what it's like out here in the real world.
> >
> > Go to a directory with 10k files and type:
> >
> > rm *
> >
> > What do you get?
> >
> > /bin/rm: Argument list too long
> What does this have to do with rm command?
Nothing, and no more with linux development. Marc confuses shell and rm.
Under DOS, when he types "del *", the shell calls the builtin function
"del" and passes it only one argument "*". The del function is then
responsible for iterating through the files using getfirst/getnext.
This is also why mostly only builtin shell commands support "*", while
most external commands do not support it, since they have to re-implement
the same code to iterate through the files (try "debug c*.com", it will
not work).
Under unix, the shell resolves "*" and passes the 10000 file names to
the "rm" command. Now, execve() may fail because 10000 names in arguments
can require too much memory. That's why find and xargs were invented!
The solution is easy : find . -maxdepth 1 xargs rm
So this has nothing to do with rm, nor with rm being open-source, and
even less with rm being written with vi, and Marc's rant is totally
wrong and off-topic. Maybe he was drunk when posting, or maybe someone
used his keyboard to make him look like a complete fool. Or maybe he
really is.
(please do not follow up on this OT thread, responses to /dev/null)
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Benny Amorsen
To: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 6:01 PM
>>>>> "WT" == Willy Tarreau
WT> Under unix, the shell resolves "*" and passes the 10000 file names
WT> to the "rm" command. Now, execve() may fail because 10000 names in
WT> arguments can require too much memory. That's why find and xargs
WT> were invented!
It would be very handy if the argument memory space was expanded.
Many years ago I hit the limit regularly on Solaris, and going to
Linux with its comparatively large limit was a joy. Now it happens to
me quite often on Linux as well.
What are the primary problems with expanding it? It used to be
swappable memory, is that still the case?
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Paolo Ornati
To: Benny Amorsen
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 6:09 PM
On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 14:31:21 +0200
Benny Amorsen
> >>>>> "WT" == Willy Tarreau
> WT> Under unix, the shell resolves "*" and passes the 10000 file names
> WT> to the "rm" command. Now, execve() may fail because 10000 names in
> WT> arguments can require too much memory. That's why find and xargs
> WT> were invented!
> It would be very handy if the argument memory space was expanded.
> Many years ago I hit the limit regularly on Solaris, and going to
> Linux with its comparatively large limit was a joy. Now it happens to
> me quite often on Linux as well.
done :)
commit b6a2fea39318e43fee84fa7b0b90d68bed92d2ba
Author: Ollie Wild
Date: Thu Jul 19 01:48:16 2007 -0700
mm: variable length argument support
Remove the arg+env limit of MAX_ARG_PAGES by copying the strings
directly from the old mm into the new mm.
Paolo Ornati
Linux 2.6.23-rc3-g2a677896 on x86_64
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Marc Perkel
To: hotmetal at the rate of verizon.net
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 6:37 PM
--- hotmetal at the rate of verizon.net wrote:
> On Sunday 19 August 2007, Marc Perkel wrote:
> > > > Let me give you and example of
> > > > brain damaged thinking
> > > > out here in the real world.
> > I tried Peyote once about 25 years ago and it was
> > fantastic.
> Sounds like it hasn't worn off yet.
Marc Perkel
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Marc Perkel
To: Jiri Slaby
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 6:38 PM
--- Jiri Slaby
> Marc Perkel napsal(a):
> > Let me give you and example of the difference
> between
> > Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> > what it's like out here in the real world.
> >
> > Go to a directory with 10k files and type:
> >
> > rm *
> >
> > What do you get?
> >
> > /bin/rm: Argument list too long
> What does this have to do with rm command?
See what I mean?
Marc Perkel
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Marc Perkel
To: Willy Tarreau
Cc: Marc Perkel
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 6:52 PM
[Quoted text hidden]The important point that you are missing here is that
the Linux world is willing to live with an rm command
that is broken and the Windows and DOS world isn't.
This isn't about the rm command it's about programming
standards. It's about that the Linux community isn't
committed to getting it right.
Just like my thinking outside the box thread when I
try to say "this is broken" people don't go fix it.
Instead I get an explanation why Linux isn't capable
of having an rm command that will delete an unlimited
number of files.
I bet there are Microsoft people out there laughing at
20 years, a million programmers, tens of millions of
users and RM is BROKEN. Am I the only one who has a
problem with this? If so - I'm normal - and Linux is a
Marc Perkel
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Willy Tarreau
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: Jiri Slaby
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 7:03 PM
On Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 06:22:37AM -0700, Marc Perkel wrote:
> The important point that you are missing here is that
> the Linux world is willing to live with an rm command
> that is broken and the Windows and DOS world isn't.
The important point you are missing is that it is not the rm command
which is broken. Either it's *all* commands or it's *your* way of
thinking how they should work.
I could play your game and say the "type" command is broken under
DOS. Why can't I do "type *" under DOS while I can do "cat *" under
linux ? For the exact same reason : the "*" is not processed at
the same place. Unix initially chose to process it in the caller,
and DOS later chose to process it in the callee. Neither is right,
neither is wrong, those are just two different approaches which may
be justified in their context. Having discovered DOS at 1.25 which
did not even support directories, I certainly can say that missing
globbing was not a problem at this time!
> This isn't about the rm command it's about programming
> standards. It's about that the Linux community isn't
> committed to getting it right.
It has nothing to do with programming standards, the rm command works
exactly like all others. Touch does the same, mv does the same, etc...
Educate yourself before stating idiocies like this !
> Just like my thinking outside the box thread when I
> try to say "this is broken" people don't go fix it.
> Instead I get an explanation why Linux isn't capable
> of having an rm command that will delete an unlimited
> number of files.
$ rm -rf $DIR will remove an unlimited number of files in this directory.
If you want to make a special case of "rm", then implement the special
case in the command and make it possible to pass it a globbing expression
just like you can do with find. But this will be useless.
> I bet there are Microsoft people out there laughing at
> this.
Oh yes, they are surely laughing at you, but at the same time they may
feel sad to be defended by people puting such stupid statements in public.
> 20 years, a million programmers, tens of millions of
> users and RM is BROKEN. Am I the only one who has a
> problem with this? If so - I'm normal - and Linux is a
> cult.
Yes, I really think you're the only one who has this problem. Don't you
think that among those tens of millions of users, none of them has ever
had to remove a directory full of files in 20 years ? Please stop taking
yourself for the center of the world and buy a "unix for newbies" book
instead of complaining the world is not like you would like it to be.
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Torsten Duwe
To: Willy Tarreau
Cc: Jiri Slaby
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 7:25 PM
On Sunday 19 August 2007, Willy Tarreau wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 09:15:22AM +0200, Jiri Slaby wrote:
> > What does this have to do with rm command?
> Nothing, and no more with linux development. Marc confuses shell and rm.
> (please do not follow up on this OT thread, responses to /dev/null)
Then do not answer in the first place. Do not answer at all. There's tons of
good literature that explains this. Don't feed the troll.
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Jose Celestino
Reply-To: Marc Perkel
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: Willy Tarreau
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 7:36 PM
Words by Marc Perkel [Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 06:22:37AM -0700]:
[Quoted text hidden]Yuhu! The rm command isn't broken (nothing is broken related to this).
Have you been reading? Can you even (read)?
Fscking troll.
Jose Celestino
"And on the trillionth day, Man created Gods." -- Thomas D. Pate
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Paolo Ornati
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: Willy Tarreau
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 8:18 PM
On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 06:22:37 -0700 (PDT)
Marc Perkel
> 20 years, a million programmers, tens of millions of
> users and RM is BROKEN. Am I the only one who has a
> problem with this? If so - I'm normal - and Linux is a
> cult.
Fixed in 2.6.23-rc (and not just for "rm"):
commit b6a2fea39318e43fee84fa7b0b90d68bed92d2ba
Author: Ollie Wild
Date: Thu Jul 19 01:48:16 2007 -0700
mm: variable length argument support
Remove the arg+env limit of MAX_ARG_PAGES by copying the strings
directly from the old mm into the new mm.
Paolo Ornati
Linux 2.6.23-rc3-g2a677896-dirty on x86_64
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Marc Perkel
To: Paolo Ornati
Cc: Willy Tarreau
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 9:02 PM
--- Paolo Ornati
> On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 06:22:37 -0700 (PDT)
> Marc Perkel
> > 20 years, a million programmers, tens of millions
> of
> > users and RM is BROKEN. Am I the only one who has
> a
> > problem with this? If so - I'm normal - and Linux
> is a
> > cult.
> Fixed in 2.6.23-rc (and not just for "rm"):
> commit b6a2fea39318e43fee84fa7b0b90d68bed92d2ba
> Author: Ollie Wild
> Date: Thu Jul 19 01:48:16 2007 -0700
> mm: variable length argument support
> Remove the arg+env limit of MAX_ARG_PAGES by
> copying the strings
> directly from the old mm into the new mm.
> [...]
> --
> Paolo Ornati
> Linux 2.6.23-rc3-g2a677896-dirty on x86_64
Good man!
Marc Perkel
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Arjan van de Ven
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 11:02 PM
On Sun, 2007-08-19 at 06:22 -0700, Marc Perkel wrote:
> The important point that you are missing here is that
> the Linux world is willing to live with an rm command
> that is broken and the Windows and DOS world isn't.
no the important point is that you're an absolute horrible troll and are
posting things to the ENTIRELY WRONG MAILING LIST. For some people who
are new that happens sometimes as accident. You know better.
So please take this elsewhere and try to have better judgement in the
future as to what mailinglist you want to send your complaints to.
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Valdis.Kletnieks at the rate of vt.edu
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 1:44 AM
Attachments: noname
On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 22:20:34 PDT, Marc Perkel said:
> Let me give you and example of the difference between
> Linux open source world brain damaged thinking and
> what it's like out here in the real world.
> Go to a directory with 10k files and type:
> rm *
> What do you get?
> /bin/rm: Argument list too long
Given that you don't even understand that this message is issued by the
*shell* and not /bin/rm, and *why* it issues that sort of error message
when an argument string expands to be bigger than MAX_ARGV, and the fact
that there are extant patches to increase that to essentially any reasonable
size, why should we listen to you when you proclaim that you have any sort
of enlightenment about systems design?
From: Michael Tharp
To: Marc Perkel
Cc: linux-kernel at the rate of vger.kernel.org
Date: Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 4:33 AM
Marc Perkel wrote:
> The important point that you are missing here is that
> the Linux world is willing to live with an rm command
> that is broken and the Windows and DOS world isn't.
> This isn't about the rm command it's about programming
> standards. It's about that the Linux community isn't
> committed to getting it right.
Thanks man, you've made my day. I haven't laughed this hard at a mildly
technical discussion in weeks.
> Just like my thinking outside the box thread when I
> try to say "this is broken" people don't go fix it.
> Instead I get an explanation why Linux isn't capable
> of having an rm command that will delete an unlimited
> number of files.
Calling something that bas been working for decades broken, and offering
a vague idea that is not only riddled with usability issues but also
unimplementable in an even remotely efficient manner, and yet expecting
people to jump into action and write it for you while deprecating an
enormous amount of existing code, is something best described as
surreal. Disregarding peer review and calling it an "attack" is just
icing on the cake.
> I bet there are Microsoft people out there laughing at
> this.
Probably at you.
> 20 years, a million programmers, tens of millions of
> users and RM is BROKEN. Am I the only one who has a
> problem with this? If so - I'm normal - and Linux is a
> cult.
All hail Linus the great.
-- m. tharp
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Casey Dahlin
To: Michael Tharp
Cc: Marc Perkel
Date: Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 7:25 AM
Michael Tharp wrote:
> Marc Perkel wrote:
>> The important point that you are missing here is that
>> the Linux world is willing to live with an rm command
>> that is broken and the Windows and DOS world isn't.
>> This isn't about the rm command it's about programming
>> standards. It's about that the Linux community isn't
>> committed to getting it right.
I wonder, do these sorts of people email random celebrities and tell
them they suck? If not, why do they think emailing a developer mailing
list about how much they hate their product, work ethics, and general
way of life is more socially acceptable?
[Quoted text hidden]
From: Tim Tassonis
Date: Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 3:11 PM
Hi Marc
> Before everyone gets pissed off and freaks out why
> don't you ponder the question why rm won't delete all
> the files in the directory. If you can't grasp that
> then you're brain damaged.
> Think big people. Say NO to vi!
At first I thought you've got a point here: you definitely _do_ suffer
from brain damage. Then again, I know too many people without brain
damage that are using vi, so it must me something else.
Maybe a car accindent, or your mother drinking a bottle of vodka per day
in your pregnancy?
[Quoted text hidden]
This is the power of Reliance...
Mera Bharat Mahan...
Another instance of Bad Bazaar !!!
There has already been a post which talks about Big Bazaar. Here;s another instance at the Big Bazaar, ISKCON.
Here's a bed which they were selling. The top piece of one of the legs has come out. Some one has neatly put it on the bed. Just imagine what quality of products they are selling. And after some time I could not even find even that piece. Obviously some naughty kid has taken it home to play...

Here's a bed which they were selling. The top piece of one of the legs has come out. Some one has neatly put it on the bed. Just imagine what quality of products they are selling. And after some time I could not even find even that piece. Obviously some naughty kid has taken it home to play...

Hope Reliance is a better alternative to this crap!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
NirmaLabs Young Techno-Entrepreneur Awards 2007
The NirmaLabs Young Techno-Entrepreneur Awards 2007 were held on 23rd June 2007 at D-Block , Nirma Institute of Technology, Nirma University Campus, Ahmedabad. We had made a presentation for the same. Hope you too like it and will be motivated to create value and wealth for the society.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Google Blogger at Big Bazaar
Indian Railways advanced to the "Mobile age"

Indian railways seems to take care of the passengers and their mobile phones.. They have installed mobile phone chargers even in the Sleeper (SL) compartments.. They also have helpful pockets to hold on your mobile when they are getting charged.. These may also be used to power up your laptop.. And if you have an internet connection from any of the Reliance or Tata Indicom.. Then u r connected almost all through the journey..
The Art of "Pocha"
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Wireless Radio Head phones

Here is a cool photo of a different use of an electric Fan.. I found it in our campus.. The fan was used to cool an electric connection of high capacity in this hot summer of Ahmedabad.. The bulb above is.. I guess.. used to keep a check on the connection.. This arrangement was made for a "Lunch" party.. Cool stuff...
Friday, April 20, 2007
Youtube videos on my Blog not working??!!
I heard that people are not able to view the youtube videos on my blog. I heard it from myself as no one has told me so.. ;).. There should be someone to read this blog of mine to say something like that.. :D.. I will find the alternative links and post them soon..
And I posted this blog after a long time.. I didnt want to blog.. But this orionslash has scrapped me saying that I have a good blog and that I should post regularly.. So atleast a start again.. I hope I will not require any more starts now and I keep blogging from now on..
And I posted this blog after a long time.. I didnt want to blog.. But this orionslash has scrapped me saying that I have a good blog and that I should post regularly.. So atleast a start again.. I hope I will not require any more starts now and I keep blogging from now on..
Friday, February 02, 2007
Bigbazaar ... Badbazaar...
I had gone to BigBazar two days ago to get a couple of biscuit packets. I had been the queue of billing for the longest time ever. I had just three things with me. So I moved to the counter which bills "Less than 10 items" counter. But the guy there was utter slow in his work. Also there were people who would come from behind - I guess people who know him personally. They would get priority and get their items billed first when we all were waiting in the long queue. One guy from the queue shouted at the counter guy to work fast. And then came the shift change. Does it need to be done at that time only (It was around 5:30PM)?? When the number of customers waiting for billing are at the peak?
The old guy leaves - taking all the change and logging off the system. Then the new guy comes in. He logs in and then puts on the change he has been given into the cash box. Then he starts out slowly. It took me at least 20 minutes to get 3 items billed.
And I do not know what the manager of the store was doing? I guess he is least bothered as to how the customers feel. Pantaloons has not been able to set this right even after being in business for the past couple of years (Or I guess more?).
And the quality of goods at BigBazaar?? They are bad.. You can go to shop only branded or FMCG goods - the ones which are packed and which have an MRP on them. On all other things, BigBazaar loots the public. All are usually low quality items. So at the price they sell you feel you are getting a good deal. But after you use them, you will get to know that they are not even worth may be half the price.
I had to got to BigBazaar as it is the only consumer goods shop close to me - near ISKCON temple.
But the next time, I will try to avoid it as much as possible.. You also try it out..
The old guy leaves - taking all the change and logging off the system. Then the new guy comes in. He logs in and then puts on the change he has been given into the cash box. Then he starts out slowly. It took me at least 20 minutes to get 3 items billed.
And I do not know what the manager of the store was doing? I guess he is least bothered as to how the customers feel. Pantaloons has not been able to set this right even after being in business for the past couple of years (Or I guess more?).
And the quality of goods at BigBazaar?? They are bad.. You can go to shop only branded or FMCG goods - the ones which are packed and which have an MRP on them. On all other things, BigBazaar loots the public. All are usually low quality items. So at the price they sell you feel you are getting a good deal. But after you use them, you will get to know that they are not even worth may be half the price.
I had to got to BigBazaar as it is the only consumer goods shop close to me - near ISKCON temple.
But the next time, I will try to avoid it as much as possible.. You also try it out..
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tatas are the champions again...
Tatas won over and bid higher than CSN.. They atlast won the Corus deal.. I am really proud of it.. Indians entering into global market.. This is damn cool..
CNN-IBN Video..
And a rediff article..
CNN-IBN Video..
And a rediff article..
Disney's Car's Sountracks
Hey.. I found the animated video for "Life is a Highway".. The Lyrics are in an older post below..
And here is one more great soundtrack from the same movie.. "Real gone"..
The Lyrics are as follows:
Sheryl Crow - Real Gone Lyrics
I'm American made but I like Chevrolet
My momma taught me wrong from right.
I was born in the South
Sometimes I have a big mouth
When I see something that I don't like
I gotta say it.
Well, we've been driving this road for a mighty long time
Paying no mind to the signs
Well, this neighborhood's changed
It's all been rearranged
We left that team somewhere behind.
Slow down, you're gonna crash,
Baby you're a-screaming it's a blast, blast, blast
Look out babe, you've got your blinders on
Everybody's looking for a way to get real gone
Real gone.
Real gone.
But there's a new cat in town
He's got high-faded friends
Thinks he's gonna change history
You think you know him so well
Yeah you think he's so swell
But it's just a front you wait and see
Slow down, you're gonna crash,
Baby you're a-screaming it's a blast, blast, blast
Look out, you've got your blinders on
Everybody's looking for a way
To get real gone
Real gone.
Real gone.
Real gone.
Well you can say what you want
But you can't say it 'round here
'Cause they'll catch you and give you a whippin'
Well, I believe I was right when I said you were wrong
You didn't like the sound of that
Now, did ya?
Slow down, you're gonna crash,
Baby you're a-screaming it's a blast, blast, blast
Look out, you've got your blinders on
Everybody's looking for a way to get real gone
Well here I come and I'm so not scared,
Got my pedal to the metal, got my hands in the air
Look out, you take your blinders off
Everybody's looking for a way to get real gone
Real gone.
Real gone.
Real gone.
Real gone.
And here is one more great soundtrack from the same movie.. "Real gone"..
The Lyrics are as follows:
Sheryl Crow - Real Gone Lyrics
I'm American made but I like Chevrolet
My momma taught me wrong from right.
I was born in the South
Sometimes I have a big mouth
When I see something that I don't like
I gotta say it.
Well, we've been driving this road for a mighty long time
Paying no mind to the signs
Well, this neighborhood's changed
It's all been rearranged
We left that team somewhere behind.
Slow down, you're gonna crash,
Baby you're a-screaming it's a blast, blast, blast
Look out babe, you've got your blinders on
Everybody's looking for a way to get real gone
Real gone.
Real gone.
But there's a new cat in town
He's got high-faded friends
Thinks he's gonna change history
You think you know him so well
Yeah you think he's so swell
But it's just a front you wait and see
Slow down, you're gonna crash,
Baby you're a-screaming it's a blast, blast, blast
Look out, you've got your blinders on
Everybody's looking for a way
To get real gone
Real gone.
Real gone.
Real gone.
Well you can say what you want
But you can't say it 'round here
'Cause they'll catch you and give you a whippin'
Well, I believe I was right when I said you were wrong
You didn't like the sound of that
Now, did ya?
Slow down, you're gonna crash,
Baby you're a-screaming it's a blast, blast, blast
Look out, you've got your blinders on
Everybody's looking for a way to get real gone
Well here I come and I'm so not scared,
Got my pedal to the metal, got my hands in the air
Look out, you take your blinders off
Everybody's looking for a way to get real gone
Real gone.
Real gone.
Real gone.
Real gone.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Convoy ....
I got down at Gota, 4Km from my University to catch a connecting Chagada. I saw four police men at the crossroads which is usually jam packed with vehicles.. They were holding the traffic from all sides... Asking the vehicles not to cross the road.. and neither were they allowing people to cross.. Infact.. They had asked 3-4 people who had crossed halfway to go back to the other side..
Then one of the police guy at the centre of the crossroad said "Let them go..".. The one at the side said.. "Pagal ho gaya hai kya? Sir ka call aaya tha.. Woh aa hi rahe hai.." (Are you mad? Sir had called up to say that they are on the way).. And then a minute later.. you can hear the sounds of the police.. I thought it was the CM going back home.. But then what followed was a series of 10 - 12 Ambassador cars with police jeeps in between.. then two ambulances blaring the siren.. Then a mini fire fighter vehicle.. And then a jeep..
After that, I asked the police guy.. whose convoy was it anyway.. It said.. "Whose convoy?.. Its the Vice President.."
Hmm.. So much for him.. Otherwise you will never find even one police guy at Gota.. You will not be able to cross the road for 10 minutes at peak time..
Then one of the police guy at the centre of the crossroad said "Let them go..".. The one at the side said.. "Pagal ho gaya hai kya? Sir ka call aaya tha.. Woh aa hi rahe hai.." (Are you mad? Sir had called up to say that they are on the way).. And then a minute later.. you can hear the sounds of the police.. I thought it was the CM going back home.. But then what followed was a series of 10 - 12 Ambassador cars with police jeeps in between.. then two ambulances blaring the siren.. Then a mini fire fighter vehicle.. And then a jeep..
After that, I asked the police guy.. whose convoy was it anyway.. It said.. "Whose convoy?.. Its the Vice President.."
Hmm.. So much for him.. Otherwise you will never find even one police guy at Gota.. You will not be able to cross the road for 10 minutes at peak time..
School Chale Hum !!!
Atlast I found the video on YouTube too.. School chale hum.. From Bharatbala Productions.. About the video from the horse's mouth...
"192 million children between 6-14 years of age across 1.1 million places in India are not going to school. This film for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Universilisation of elementary Education) addresses the needs of these children. The film catches the moment when children all across India from Kashmir to Kerala wake up in the morning and run to go to school."
Directed by: Kanika and Bala, Bharatbala Productions (BBP) for the Ministry of Human Resource Development, India.
The children look cute... And the music's WONDERFUL.. Hai naa??
"192 million children between 6-14 years of age across 1.1 million places in India are not going to school. This film for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Universilisation of elementary Education) addresses the needs of these children. The film catches the moment when children all across India from Kashmir to Kerala wake up in the morning and run to go to school."
Directed by: Kanika and Bala, Bharatbala Productions (BBP) for the Ministry of Human Resource Development, India.
The children look cute... And the music's WONDERFUL.. Hai naa??
Disney's Car's Sountrack
Here's the Soundtrack from Disney's Cars..
Rascal Flatts - Life Is A Highway Lyrics
Life's like a road that you travel on
When there's ne day here and the next day gone
Some times you bend and sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your head to the wind
There's a world outside every darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore
Where brave are free and lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore
We won't hesitate
bTo Break down the garden's gate
There's not much time left today
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Through all these cities and all these towns
It's in my blood and it's all around
I love you now like I loved you then
This is the road and these are the hands
From Mozambique to those Memphis nights
The khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights
Knock me down get back up again
You're in my blood
I'm not a lonely man
There's no load I can't hold
Road so rough this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell 'em we're survivors
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
Gimme gimme gimme gimme yeah
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
There was a distance between you and I
A misunderstanding once
But now we look in the eye
There ain't no load that I can't hold
Road so rough this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell 'em we're survivors
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Enjoy !!!
Rascal Flatts - Life Is A Highway Lyrics
Life's like a road that you travel on
When there's ne day here and the next day gone
Some times you bend and sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your head to the wind
There's a world outside every darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore
Where brave are free and lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore
We won't hesitate
bTo Break down the garden's gate
There's not much time left today
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Through all these cities and all these towns
It's in my blood and it's all around
I love you now like I loved you then
This is the road and these are the hands
From Mozambique to those Memphis nights
The khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights
Knock me down get back up again
You're in my blood
I'm not a lonely man
There's no load I can't hold
Road so rough this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell 'em we're survivors
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
Gimme gimme gimme gimme yeah
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
There was a distance between you and I
A misunderstanding once
But now we look in the eye
There ain't no load that I can't hold
Road so rough this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell 'em we're survivors
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Enjoy !!!
Disney Cars
The movie from Disney - Cars.. A story about "Lightning McQueen"... A racing car created by "Lord Chevrolet"... is a very close to reality looks animation movie.. The concept it self was too cool.. Its a Cars world.. Cars race.. Cars come to see the racing.. Cars are the commentators.. Cars are pit stop people... Then we have a town with a population of Cars.. Cars selling gas and tyres, Cars policing and court of Cars etc etc..
The two soundtracks.. The intro of Lightning McQueen and "Life is a Highway".. are really wonderful.. All the emotions of humans are the ones are put on to the Cars... The shot clip of Michael Schumacher coming to the small town of Radiator Springs to get a three of four sets of tyres is absolutely fantastic.. Its animation at its peak.. Have look at it below...
Over all the movie feels cool and filling to my mind.. Worth watching.. And worth buying an original DVD/VCD...
The two soundtracks.. The intro of Lightning McQueen and "Life is a Highway".. are really wonderful.. All the emotions of humans are the ones are put on to the Cars... The shot clip of Michael Schumacher coming to the small town of Radiator Springs to get a three of four sets of tyres is absolutely fantastic.. Its animation at its peak.. Have look at it below...
Over all the movie feels cool and filling to my mind.. Worth watching.. And worth buying an original DVD/VCD...
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Salaam-e-Ishq - The name makes you feel that the movie must be superb.. But the reality is the total opposite.. It has been one of the worst movies I have ever seen.. I would have infact got up and left the theatre.. But I wanted to utilize the 110 Rupees that I had paid to see that stupid movie.. So myself and my friends were started amking fun of the movie... Atleast that made a good timepass for us..
As it was directed from Nikhil Advani - the previous film of his which I saw was "Kal ho na ho" - I had expected a gem. Even after seeing in the news paper that "the stars shine is a mediocre film", I went to see it. If "Kal ho na ho" can be rated as positive infinity.. "Salaam-e-Ishq" can be rated as negative infinity..
The six stories start boring you as soon as the film starts.. I guess Nikhil wanted to just pass on time by making a movie.. he has wasted his time and also our time.. Infact time of some thousands of people.. And what about the money spent on the movie? The huge amount of money spent for shooting in London, with all those localites wearing same custom stiched Indian dresses for just few steps in a song.. If only th emoney could have been used for better purporses - for the poor and the needy. I dont say that every producer must do so.. But instead of making such a useless film, it would have better to donate waay the money..
Only the songs are appreciable.. Otherwise its sheer bullshit.. Dont even see if anybody sponsers your ticket.. You can see Priyanka in other films too(If that was your excuse to see the film)..
"Ya rabba.. Yeh movie kyon banaya.."
As it was directed from Nikhil Advani - the previous film of his which I saw was "Kal ho na ho" - I had expected a gem. Even after seeing in the news paper that "the stars shine is a mediocre film", I went to see it. If "Kal ho na ho" can be rated as positive infinity.. "Salaam-e-Ishq" can be rated as negative infinity..
The six stories start boring you as soon as the film starts.. I guess Nikhil wanted to just pass on time by making a movie.. he has wasted his time and also our time.. Infact time of some thousands of people.. And what about the money spent on the movie? The huge amount of money spent for shooting in London, with all those localites wearing same custom stiched Indian dresses for just few steps in a song.. If only th emoney could have been used for better purporses - for the poor and the needy. I dont say that every producer must do so.. But instead of making such a useless film, it would have better to donate waay the money..
Only the songs are appreciable.. Otherwise its sheer bullshit.. Dont even see if anybody sponsers your ticket.. You can see Priyanka in other films too(If that was your excuse to see the film)..
"Ya rabba.. Yeh movie kyon banaya.."
Friday, January 26, 2007
On the eve of Republic day of India !!!
Vande Mataram by A.R.Rehman and other prominent musicians and vocalists.. A BharatBala Production...
Vande Mataram from A.R.Rehman's previous album "Maa tujhe Salaam".. Also a BharatBala Production...
These BharatBala guys are wonderful.. U can also reach them at http://www.bbp.co.in There is a repository of all the videos they have done... And a lot more !!!
Incredible India... An ad released by Indian Tourism Ministry I guess.. The beautiful India is here !!!
Vande Mataram from A.R.Rehman's previous album "Maa tujhe Salaam".. Also a BharatBala Production...
These BharatBala guys are wonderful.. U can also reach them at http://www.bbp.co.in There is a repository of all the videos they have done... And a lot more !!!
Incredible India... An ad released by Indian Tourism Ministry I guess.. The beautiful India is here !!!
Knowledge of Indian people about Indian Economic Reforms..
Here is a series of videos about what the Indian people know about the economic reforms which have been started 15 years ago.. CNN IBN Poll...
First Part:
Second Part:
Third Part:
First Part:
Second Part:
Third Part:
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Linux in Telugu !
I have got a Telugu linux distro.. Found it while searching for something else.. The link is http://www.swecha.org/
If any Gults are seeing this blog (Leave gults.. I guess not even one person has seen this blog till today... I dont even find this blog in google search.. ;)... But I am optimistic about the future..) download and try it out.. I am downloading it..
Will let u know when I run it.. Its a Live CD...
I have got a Telugu linux distro.. Found it while searching for something else.. The link is http://www.swecha.org/
If any Gults are seeing this blog (Leave gults.. I guess not even one person has seen this blog till today... I dont even find this blog in google search.. ;)... But I am optimistic about the future..) download and try it out.. I am downloading it..
Will let u know when I run it.. Its a Live CD...
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Entrepreneurship !!!
Although I am an aspiring Entrepreneur.. I have never written about Entreprenuership on my blog.. I just went thru the blog ("Entrepreneurship: My Struggle with Myself") of the "Entrepreneurship- Lets Chase our Dreams!" tribe in techtribe (www.techtribe.com). The following is an excellent copy of the blog written by Abhishek Sharma. It exactly depicts the situation I am currently in .. being in the "Comfort Zone".. It talks a lot about Entrepreneuship too.. Really worth a read...
Entrepreneurship: My Struggle with Myself
Posted by Abhishek on 30 Nov 2006
I still remember when I was young and started to ride a bicycle, after many a tries, I finally got ‘Balance’ and could manage bicycle on my own. I called everyone at home and showed them, I can ride a bicycle and they all appreciated, then I went back to my friends and showed them my achievement. There was a stark glow on my face!
I am sure all of you would also remember your first moment of achievements, be it first grade in class or as simple as creating your first sand castle. That time, left enormous impact on all of us, we still remember that moment and even today a child walks up to us jumping and wanting to share his achievement, we get little nostalgic about how we experienced it.
Since our childhood, all of us wants to achieve something ‘Big’ in life, only thing is definition of Big keeps on changing from time to time. When we were young; riding a bicycle was Big, then standing on the podium receiving first prize, then driving a car, then joining our dream company and list is endless.
For quiet sometime, I got engaged in this question of what exactly is ‘Big’ for me next, after achieving all that I thought was ‘Big’ enough for me. A thought struck me my next ‘Big’ thing would be to do what I always wanted to do. Hang on, what’s that, I asked myself; then I realized I wanted to be an entrepreneur, somebody who is responsible completely for success and failure of the venture. Somebody, who may not earn that big a money in the initial few years what he would be earning at the moment, but will have sense of pride in working towards realizing his dreams. This thought kept on bothering me for some time. I kept on delaying it, not now may be a little later was something I kept on saying to myself and finally realized that I am procrastinating nothing else, but my dream and I wondered as to why I am doing that and finally got the answer whish is; I am relaxing, chilling out and enjoying myself in my ‘Comfort Zone’.
‘Bang On’ and that’s it, this mere realization made me shiver. I thought, I have never been one of those who live in their comfort zone. I always thought I am the one who always try different things in life, get driven by challenges and so on but No, I wasn’t really like that. Trust me friends, this realization was ‘Tough’ for me to absorb. After this I could look at various occasions where I had an opportunity to move out of my comfort zones but sheer thought of failing, did not let me decide and I kept on procrastinating.
After this I looked as to what are the reasons I am giving to myself, which are not letting me move out of my comfort zone, and I could think of following:
a) I have got financial liabilities (basically EMIs) on me, which I need to take care of how will I manage that?
b) Starting venture is too risky what if I don’t make it?
c) Will I be able to get back to corporate world, if things doesn’t go the way I want it to go? What will people say?
d) There will be too much pressure on me to perform; will I be able to handle that?
e) My peers will move to next level by the time I could my venture to a level and I can survive? There is a big opportunity risk in this.
f) What will my friends think of me?
And trust me friends, list was endless. I had so many reasons not to do what I want to do in life; I realized I was cozy in my comfort zone; big money, beautiful office, healthy work environment, respect, authority and responsibility, opportunity to travel abroad and explore the world, Credit card people chasing me, so many corporate offers, excellent gym in office and what not.
I tried to look at both sides of the coins; reasons I had ‘Not’ to be an entrepreneur and reasons I had ‘To Be’ and entrepreneur. Friends, you won’t believe this, I just had one reason to be an entrepreneur; now you must be wondering what was that. Friends, it was “Its my dream to make a world class organization; and people should say here is the man who had what it takes to realize his dreams”. This reason was ‘Big’ enough for me to leave all the reasons I have mentioned above aside and decided to take the plunge.
Friends, all of us are cozy in our comfort zones but trust me what whatever we dream of is just outside our comfort zone. Surely, it takes lot of courage to decide, it takes lot of planning but starting onto your journey of dreams, but it’s really worth you. We don’t have clue how exciting and challenging entrepreneurial ecosystem is, I can guarantee you that ‘stark glow on your face’ which you are trying to find is available. Moment you get your first client, you get recognition, media starts to talk about who you are, you will never be the same person. Friends, lets get our act together and give it a shot, all of us have it what it takes to realize our dreams!
I am sure all of you would also remember your first moment of achievements, be it first grade in class or as simple as creating your first sand castle. That time, left enormous impact on all of us, we still remember that moment and even today a child walks up to us jumping and wanting to share his achievement, we get little nostalgic about how we experienced it.
Since our childhood, all of us wants to achieve something ‘Big’ in life, only thing is definition of Big keeps on changing from time to time. When we were young; riding a bicycle was Big, then standing on the podium receiving first prize, then driving a car, then joining our dream company and list is endless.
For quiet sometime, I got engaged in this question of what exactly is ‘Big’ for me next, after achieving all that I thought was ‘Big’ enough for me. A thought struck me my next ‘Big’ thing would be to do what I always wanted to do. Hang on, what’s that, I asked myself; then I realized I wanted to be an entrepreneur, somebody who is responsible completely for success and failure of the venture. Somebody, who may not earn that big a money in the initial few years what he would be earning at the moment, but will have sense of pride in working towards realizing his dreams. This thought kept on bothering me for some time. I kept on delaying it, not now may be a little later was something I kept on saying to myself and finally realized that I am procrastinating nothing else, but my dream and I wondered as to why I am doing that and finally got the answer whish is; I am relaxing, chilling out and enjoying myself in my ‘Comfort Zone’.
‘Bang On’ and that’s it, this mere realization made me shiver. I thought, I have never been one of those who live in their comfort zone. I always thought I am the one who always try different things in life, get driven by challenges and so on but No, I wasn’t really like that. Trust me friends, this realization was ‘Tough’ for me to absorb. After this I could look at various occasions where I had an opportunity to move out of my comfort zones but sheer thought of failing, did not let me decide and I kept on procrastinating.
After this I looked as to what are the reasons I am giving to myself, which are not letting me move out of my comfort zone, and I could think of following:
a) I have got financial liabilities (basically EMIs) on me, which I need to take care of how will I manage that?
b) Starting venture is too risky what if I don’t make it?
c) Will I be able to get back to corporate world, if things doesn’t go the way I want it to go? What will people say?
d) There will be too much pressure on me to perform; will I be able to handle that?
e) My peers will move to next level by the time I could my venture to a level and I can survive? There is a big opportunity risk in this.
f) What will my friends think of me?
And trust me friends, list was endless. I had so many reasons not to do what I want to do in life; I realized I was cozy in my comfort zone; big money, beautiful office, healthy work environment, respect, authority and responsibility, opportunity to travel abroad and explore the world, Credit card people chasing me, so many corporate offers, excellent gym in office and what not.
I tried to look at both sides of the coins; reasons I had ‘Not’ to be an entrepreneur and reasons I had ‘To Be’ and entrepreneur. Friends, you won’t believe this, I just had one reason to be an entrepreneur; now you must be wondering what was that. Friends, it was “Its my dream to make a world class organization; and people should say here is the man who had what it takes to realize his dreams”. This reason was ‘Big’ enough for me to leave all the reasons I have mentioned above aside and decided to take the plunge.
Friends, all of us are cozy in our comfort zones but trust me what whatever we dream of is just outside our comfort zone. Surely, it takes lot of courage to decide, it takes lot of planning but starting onto your journey of dreams, but it’s really worth you. We don’t have clue how exciting and challenging entrepreneurial ecosystem is, I can guarantee you that ‘stark glow on your face’ which you are trying to find is available. Moment you get your first client, you get recognition, media starts to talk about who you are, you will never be the same person. Friends, lets get our act together and give it a shot, all of us have it what it takes to realize our dreams!
There is also a comment by Anup which is also superb and adds on to the above matter...
01 Dec 2006
Superb piece. I went through the same emotions that you mentioned when I started out on my own. But today, I live according to my own terms. Even today, there is lot of struggle, especially financial ones. But one thing that I can say is that, I graduated from "Cash Problem", to "Cash Flow" problem :-) and my experienced business friends tell me that in itself is a sign of progress.
I would like to add a few more points to what Abhishek has written on "The rewards of entrepreneurship"
I would like to add a few more points to what Abhishek has written on "The rewards of entrepreneurship"
1 - More self esteem - When you come out of your "secure zone" and the "safety of money in your bank account on the 30th", you realize that you have to trust and back yourself. When you realize that you are on your own and you have to earn your pay on your own, you feel scared and when I say "scared", it is that "nasty, gut knotting, rising from the bottom of your stomach" ugly fear. But once you over come it, start believing in yourself and convince your customers that your product is good enough, at that moment, you grow up. You value yourself more, you start appreciating yourself and the world around you more.
2 - Humility - When you turn entrepreneur and start tasting success, you appreciate other entrepreneurs. When I used to work as an employee, I used to criticize the owners of my company, complaining about lack of facilities and compare them with other successful companies. Today I realize how difficult it is to run an enterprise. Also, being an entrepreneur I appreciate all types of work. For example I used to blame accountants as lazy for delaying reimbursements. But today, I know a fair bit of accounting and I can afford an accountant and I realize how difficult a task they have to perform.
3 - Test your reserves and stamina - We read that InfoSys has 600 clients and the number sounds so simple. Try getting "1", yes, I mean "ONE" client, especially if you are selling your skills (consulting). The process through which you have to "meet the customer first" (undergo the pain of explaining who you are and what you do over the phone to an impatient manager), "slowly convince the customer" and finally get the order. If you can come through this, it shows character and you would have grown as a person. You will notice that you become more patient and more tolerant towards others because you know that only sweat, toil and patience takes you forward
4 Honest Friends - When you turn entrepreneur, and if you are starting with minimal capital, you will be relying on friends for survival. I have had some close friends who lend me money to survive the initial days and they trusted me to make money and repay them back. At this juncture you realize that however great you may be, it is only because of friends and families that you will be able to make it big. Today I make it a point to spend time with my family and friends.
My Best,
Really worth a read and inspiring too... Atleast for me !!!
Cheers !!!
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